Truck Accident Lawyer in Georgia

Truck Accidents are more common than the usual car-to-car accidents you may hear about or see on the road. In 2021, a total of 523,796 incidents happened involving a truck, which is more than the previous year that had 415,444 truck accidents, according to Forbes Advisor
A truck accident has the potential to change your life in every aspect. Whether you were mentally, emotionally, or physically hurt in a truck accident, there's a chance that you could be entitled to punitive damages.  
That’s where our personal injury lawyers come in. It can be a challenging time after being involved in a truck accident and trying to pursue legal action against the negligent driver, and we're here to help lighten the load.
Here at Gillani Law, our experienced Georgia truck accident attorneys are here for you. You will have the opportunity to meet with our attorneys one-on-one to discuss how we will work to earn you the compensation you deserve. We’re here to give our clients peace of mind during a traumatic experience. We take pride in making sure you leave our offices with a fair settlement.

Types Of Truck Accidents 

As they have become such a common occurrence over the last few years, commercial truck accidents can come in all shapes and sizes. Literally. The type of collisions that happen between a truck and another motor vehicle are similar to other types of bad accidents you’ve seen before. Between their large size and delayed reaction time, commercial trucks run a higher risk of accidents that have catastrophic outcomes.

What To Do After A Truck Accident

The events that follow a truck accident can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Physically, you may have sustained a neck injury, some sort of  internal injury, or worst case scenario, a traumatic brain injury. This is where obtaining documentation is key. Having proof like medical records, witness statements and visual evidence from the scene of the crime will determine how your case goes and the type of financial compensation you receive.  

Contact the Police

Contact law enforcement as soon as possible to give them a detailed story of what took place and get a copy of the official accident report. 

Seek Immediate Medical Help

After speaking with the police, seek emergency medical help for any injuries you may have sustained. Whether you believe you’re injured or not, this will benefit you later down the line when seeking compensation. And, not receiving immediate treatment can potentially cause future pain.

Collect Any and Every Type of Evidence You Can

Take pictures, video, and audio of the surrounding scene of the auto accident. You’ll need all the proof you can get for your claim. You should also try to obtain a police report from the authorities and medical records from a doctor, if you can, to have the right documentation for your case. The more accident specifics you have, the better chance you have of getting monetary damages. 

Gather Info from Eyewitnesses, If Possible

Getting witnesses' names and accounts of the 18-wheeler accident is vital. Make sure that you speak with anyone and everyone that was present at the scene who may be able to speak about the drivers' negligent actions they witnessed. 

Get in Touch with Our Truck Accident Lawyers at Gillani Law

Here’s your last step to winning your case. Our personal injury law firm knows that seeking legal counsel can be tough, so we simplify the process for you by asking for your name, email address, phone number, and some information about the accident itself before we meet to streamline the process. 


Documenting every little thing during this case is crucial. Collecting evidence, talking to witnesses, and going to the doctor immediately are some ways to keep up with your claim. Failure to do any of these things can result in you not receiving compensation due to lack of evidence of negligent behavior from the defendant.


Proving Negligence In Georgia

In Georgia, you can still receive compensation for being at fault in the accident. The only kicker is that your fault must be less than 50%  and your payout will be lowered by the portion of your culpability. This is called a comparative negligence system in the state of Georgia, and it is how your compensation will be determined.

Who Can Be Held Liable?

While the truck driver is the one who caused the damage, they’re only a representative of the company they work for. This means they also shoulder some, or all of the negligent behavior due to certain conditions. Some of the fault parties that can be held liable in the lawsuit include:

Repair Company

If there was a mechanic that repaired the truck involved in the accident, they can be directly responsible for not properly repairing the defective truck if mechanical failure was the main cause of the accident.


A government agency can also be held partially liable due to its inability to fix bad road conditions. This is an infrequent occurrence but still can happen in a lawsuit.

Manufacturer Parts

Faulty parts such as tires, brakes, or even a steering wheel can be held responsible if they played a part in the accident.

Loading Company

Improperly loading tractor-trailers, especially ones carrying hazardous materials, can result in horrifying accidents. It puts the cargo loaders and the company they work for in a sticky situation and involves them all in the suit since they can be found liable for the crash. 

Trucking Companies

This is the most common party that is held liable in a truck accident. Truck companies are responsible for everything including: the trucks being maintained properly, hiring qualified drivers, and enforcing company policies. Any one of these being compromised is grounds for negligent behavior and means that they're responsible for paying for the financial damages.


What We Will Fight For on Your Behalf

Here at Gillani Law, we work to get the compensation you deserve by proving you were affected by this accident in more ways than one. Here’s the valuable things we recover for you when fighting your case:

Lost Wages

This includes future income you would have received if you were not in an accident or injured.

Property Damage

Back pay for your car or any other personal property being damaged during the accident.

Pain & Suffering

All of the emotional distress or physical pain that you’ve endured after the accident will be reimbursed.

Medical Expenses

It's our goal to get you every penny that you've already spent on medical bills, rehabilitation, or medication, and any future costs back to you.

Wrongful Death

If you lost a loved one in the process, you will be compensated for everything like the burial expenses, the emotional distress suffered from losing someone, and even if the loved one was financially supporting you.

Our car accident lawyers help you win. We do everything to prove to the court who the negligent party was during the accident and how your injuries or damage to your car is a direct result of it. We fight for all of the wages you may have lost, insurance claims that were denied, medical costs, and even emotional trauma. 

Our legal team makes sure that you leave the court a winner and that you're on your way to becoming whole again. We care about not only the financial compensation you win in court, but also your well-being outside of court. We have a successful track record of cases and hundreds of happy clients.

Schedule A Free Consultation Today!

We don’t charge you a dime of attorney fees until you get your winnings. Contact one of the auto accident lawyers at Gillani Law and receive a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss the semi-truck accident you were involved in and the possible types of damages that you're entitled to.

Schedule a free consultation today by submitting the form below!

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