Car Accident Lawyer in Georgia

People around the world are no strangers to car accidents, especially in this country.
There are a lot of dangers that come with driving on the road, whether it be drunk drivers, harsh road conditions, weather conditions, or distracted driving.
That being said, our experienced attorneys at Gillani Law are here to help you recover after suffering an auto accident, whether fatal or not. We work diligently to get you complete compensation for all of your lost wages and strive to get you back on track mentally, emotionally, and physically.
If you or a relative have been in a recent accident and looking to take legal action against the negligent party, contact one of our experienced personal injury attorneys at Gillani Law to receive the compensation you deserve

How Did You Get Into A Car Accident?

Car accidents occur in numerous ways, ranging from single-vehicle incidents to complex collisions involving multiple cars. A variety of factors can cause these unfortunate events, but often there is a fault driver whose actions were responsible for the crash.

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving accidents are a serious issue in Georgia, and even a BAC level under the legal limit can be dangerous. At Gillani Law, we understand the devastating consequences these accidents can have. If you've been injured by a drunk driver, we can help.


Speeding on the road puts everyone on the road in danger. Although Georgia is top 10 in the least speeding fatalities this year, it is still something that needs to be addressed and still causes a great deal of pain for those affected, whether the situation is fatal or not. 

Vehicle Malfunction

This usually requires a more broad investigation when trying to sue for compensation, but it certainly happens. The malfunction usually includes damaged headlights, issues with steering wheels, problems with tires, or windshield wipers being inconsistent during poor weather conditions. 

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving includes texting while driving, eating while driving, or participating in any type of distraction while one's driving on the road. This can be the easier way to prove the fault party was a negligent driver due to their inability or failure to abide by the traffic laws and protect themselves and others on the road.

What To Do When You're Involved In A Car Accident

The aftermath of a car accident can cause plenty of confusion for everyone involved. You may be injured, in complete shock, or witnessed a fatality due to all of this happening. However, there are some vital steps that you will need to take in order to get the compensation you’re deserving of. Here are some things to do immediately after a car accident:

Call 911

The very first step is speaking with authorities on what just happened. It is important to acquire a police report or any type of documentation from them in order to proceed with your lawsuit.

Take Pictures of The Scene

Videos, pictures, and anything that shows proof of any property damage or injuries acquired in the accident. This will play an integral part in getting your fair compensation and trying to prove negligence. 

Seek Medical Help

Whether you believe you were injured or not, please get help from your doctor right after. Not only does this add to the documentation you need in your suit, but it can potentially prevent any future injuries that could be lingering from your car accident.

Talk With Your Insurance Company

Making an insurance claim afterwards is important as well. When going to your insurance company to make a claim, be sure to have someone accompany you on your visit. Due to some insurance companies giving you the smallest compensation for your accident possible, having someone by your side will lower the chances of that happening.

Speak With Our Car Accident Lawyers At Gillani Law

The aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming. At Gillani Law, our experienced car accident lawyers understand the physical, emotional, and financial challenges you're facing. We'll be by your side every step of the way, offering comprehensive support that includes:

-Meticulous Case Filing: We'll handle the complex paperwork involved in your claim, ensuring all deadlines are met and your rights are protected.

-Expert Communication with Law Enforcement: Our lawyers will work directly with the police to gather evidence and ensure the accident report accurately reflects what happened.

-Relentless Pursuit of Fair Compensation: We'll negotiate aggressively with insurance companies to recover the maximum compensation you deserve for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other damages you've incurred.

This is more than just getting a settlement – it's about getting you back on your feet. Let Gillani Law fight for the justice you deserve while you focus on healing.


What Can You Be Compensated For?

Non-Economic Losses

Non-Economic Losses

These are the losses that are not financial at all. They carry a bigger impact on someone’s well being opposed to their wallet. It can also affect your future in acquiring more payment if you’re unable to do so. Here are some non-economic losses you can be compensated for:

  • Pain And Suffering
  • Permanent Injuries/Loss of Limb or Body Part
  • Distress

Economic Losses

Economic Losses

An economic loss affects your financial situation. These can hold you back due to the accident itself. Here are some economic losses you can be compensated for:

  • Lost Wages
  • Medical Bills
  • Repair Costs
  • Replacement Costs


How Will Our Lawyers At Gillani Law Help?

Here at Gillani Law, our car accident lawyers help you maximize the compensation you’re deserving of. We do everything to prove to the court who the negligent party was during the accident and how your injuries or damage to your car is a direct result of it. We fight tooth and nail for all of the wages you may have lost, insurance claims that were denied, medical bills, and even pain and suffering. 

Our accident attorneys seek to ensure that you leave the court a winner and are on your way to becoming whole again. We not only care about what you win in court, but your well-being outside of court. Our clients are supposed to leave with a high head after their case has been resolved and feel confident enough to pass the word around to the next person that was involved in an accident to contact us!

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Gillani Law is one of the top-rated woman owned law firms in Georgia and Alabama.

Our experienced personal injury attorneys can handle any personal injury case.

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