Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers

Were you or a loved one injured in a slip-and-fall accident because someone else’s negligence created a dangerous condition? Contact the personal injury lawyers at Gillani Law today to inquire about getting the fair settlement you deserve. 

Our dedicated team of lawyers has years of experience handling these kinds of accidents throughout Georgia and Alabama. We promise to fight for you and get you a fair settlement.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Some of the most common personal injury lawsuits are slip-and-fall accidents because they can virtually happen anywhere - in stores, restaurants, offices buildings, parking lots and even private residences. While they sometimes only cause minor bruises, there are plenty of instances where they lead to much more severe injuries. There’s a variety of potential hazards that cause slip-and-fall accidents, but some of the common ones are: 

Slippery, wet floors

Cracked or uneven surfaces and loose rugs

Inadequate lighting

Lack of, or damaged handrails

Debris or obstacles in walkways

Improper safety signage

Property owners of both private residences and businesses have a duty to keep their premises reasonably safe and free of dangers that could cause slip and fall injuries. When they fail to fix hazards or provide adequate warnings, they are the ones who can be held legally liable to pay for damages.

Slip and Falls Can Cause Serious Injuries

While slight bumps and bruises are the outcome of some slip-and-fall occurrences, serious and sometimes even, permanent injuries can arise from others. Various factors influence the severity of the injury, including the victim's age and physical condition, and the height of the fall. The following are some of the most common injuries that result from slip-and-fall accidents:

-Broken Bones 
-Spinal Cord Injuries 
-Traumatic Brain Injuries  
-Soft Tissue Injuries 
-Hip Fractures 
-Internal Injuries

Even a fall from a relatively short distance has the potential to inflict severe, disabling injuries that require hospitalization, surgery, rehabilitation, and ongoing medical treatment. Sustaining injuries like the ones mentioned above can cause victims to miss work victims out of work, which impacts their finances and ultimately their quality of life. Seeking compensation to cover medical expenses and other damages by obtaining counsel from a premises liability lawyer is not only beneficial but oftentimes crucial in cases like these. 

Compensation in Slip & Fall Cases

Our knowledgeable slip and fall injury lawyers at Gillani Law carefully look into slip and fall incidents to establish culpability and fight for the money you are entitled to, including:

-Past and future medical care 
-Loss of enjoyment
-Lost wages
-Pain and suffering
-Punitive damages

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Gillani Law has decades of experience and a proven track record in the slip-and-fall realm and wants to help you get the compensation that is rightfully yours. Our experienced attorneys handle cases on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay no lawyer fees unless we recover compensation from the liable parties for you. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case and let us help you through this difficult time. 

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Gillani Law is one of the top-rated woman owned law firms in Georgia and Alabama.

Our experienced personal injury attorneys can handle any personal injury case.

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