Negligent Security Lawyer

Understanding negligent security is pivotal for recognizing when your safety has been compromised. From apartment complexes to shopping centers, the expectation of reasonable protection is a legal obligation for property owners.

If a business owner has not taken the proper steps to have adequate security measures, they could be putting people in danger. If you believe you have been put in danger by a property owner not ensuring their property is safe, it may be time to seek legal aide to build a case.

What Is Negligent Security?

Negligent security occurs when property owners fail to provide reasonable security measures to prevent foreseeable crimes. This form of premises liability law focuses on holding these owners accountable when a lack of appropriate safety protocols leads to violent crimes, such as robbery, assault, rape, or battery, resulting in harm to lawful visitors or residents.

Victims may have a compelling negligent security claim if they can demonstrate that the property owner's lack of adequate security contributed to the crime and subsequent injuries sustained.

Key Points of Negligent Security:

Obligation: Property owners have a duty to ensure the safety of those on their premises.

Crime Prevention: Reasonable steps must be taken to avoid foreseeable harm.

Potential Failures: Inadequate lighting, ineffective security personnel, and faulty security equipment are prime examples of negligent security.

Reasonableness Test: Measures taken are often judged against what is deemed reasonable for the circumstance.

Residential Buildings

Negligent property owners or managers of apartment buildings are expected to protect residents and visitors by maintaining a safe living environment. 

Examples of Inadequate Residential Security Measures:

Poor Lighting: Dimly-lit walkways and communal areas.

Ineffective Locks: Absent or broken locks on doors and windows.

Security Personnel: Lack of or insufficient security staff presence.

Commercial Properties

In commercial settings like retail shops and office buildings, proprietors are responsible for safeguarding their premises.

Establishing Liability in Commercial Properties:

Awareness of Crime Risks: Indications that the owner knew or should have known about potential security threats.

Failure to Act: A lack of preventive measures in response to known security risks.

Direct Impact: The causal relationship between the security oversight and the harm suffered.

Parking Lots & Garages

Parking garages and parking lots are frequent hotspots for criminal activities due to their often isolated and unmonitored spaces.

Security Expectations for Parking Facilities:

Adequate Lighting: Well-lit spaces to deter criminal activity.

Security Personnel: Security guards or patrols to monitor the area.

Security Cameras: Recording devices to capture potential criminal behavior.


Role of a Negligent Security Lawyer

When safety measures on a property fall short a negligent security attorney steps in as an advocate for victims. Gillani Law specializes in Georgia negligent security cases and offering legal assistance to those who have suffered due to inadequate security measures.

Proving Negligence: Establishing that the property owner failed to provide sufficient security, enabling the occurrence of a violent crime.

Gathering Evidence: Negligent security lawyers will collect all necessary documentation, including security footage, witness statements, and medical reports, to support the client's claim.

Assessing Liability: Analyzing the incident to pinpoint responsible parties—including property managers or security companies—and their potential failures.

Pursuing Compensation: Demanding fair compensation for injuries, both physical and psychological, and financial losses incurred by the victim in a negligent security claim.


How An Attorney Can Help

After an incident involving negligent security, the guidance of an experienced attorney can make or break your case. Gillani Law provides:

Skillful Negotiations: Diligently working to secure just settlements for all damages, from medical bills to emotional trauma.

Comprehensive Legal Action: Advising on a range of legal options, including regulatory complaints and, if necessary, criminal proceedings against the negligent parties.

Rigorous Investigations: Ensuring that all aspects of the case are explored, including actions of security companies and other entities tied to the property.

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