Dog Bite Lawyer


Everyone knows that dog is known to be man’s best friend. They can be the most loving, sweet, and protective buddy a person can ask for. With that being said, if they are untrained or undisciplined, they can be dangerous to others and do things like bite people.  Pet owners don’t only have a responsibility to care for the dog but also a responsibility to train them and be able to have proper control over them, especially in public spaces. A responsible dog owner knows that they could be held liable in a bite situation and should do their best to avoid any type of bite situation. 

If you or someone you love is the dog-bite victim, Gillani Law's dog bite lawyers are here to help. Our personal injury lawyers can help you pursue legal action against the animal's owners and get you the financial compensation you deserve. Bite accidents can make for complicated cases, but we're here to help you through it. 

Dog Walking Laws

Georgia and Alabama's statute when it comes to canine attacks aims to support the victim of the dog bite by holding the owner liable. There are no statewide leash laws for Georgia/Alabama, but instead county and/or civil regulations that highlight restrictions and regulations regarding dogs on a leash. Here are some of general regulations about those rules:


-Leash Length: A dog’s leash must be more than 6 feet long. Even a collapsible leash.

-Collar/Harness: Having a leash around a dog’s neck isn’t good enough. The leash must properly fit on the collar or harness.

-Distracted Driving: The rise of smartphones has led to a surge in accidents due to drivers paying more attention to their devices than the road.

-Muzzle: The owner may be required to muzzle their dog in situations where they’re known to be vicious.

-Collar Fit: Collars must be snug around the dog’s neck to prevent them from wiggling out of it.

-Controlled: No dogs can run on any public property freely and must be controlled at all times.

Compensation You Can Receive

Again, each county in Georgia/Alabama may carry out different regulations for leashes, but each of those counties must abide by the Georgia/Alabama statue. With it being a strict liability state, it is a bit more simple to take a dog bite to court and fight it against the negligent dog owner. Strict liability deflects the intent of the defendant when determining if the injured victim should be fairly compensated. Whether they were acting negligent or not, the defendant is still held liable for their shortcomings and wrongdoings based on strict liability. In the case of dog bites, the plaintiff can have a leg up on the defendant by proving they were trespassing or angered the dog into biting.


What To Do After A Dog Bite

The first thing you should do after being bit by a dog is go to your doctor’s office or the hospital for treatment. Without proper medical care, you could be at risk for a serious infection.  As far as what to do if you plan on pursuing legal action, here are a few things needed to move forward with your case:

-Take Pictures: This can be a shocking incident for anyone that’s been through it. However, having visual evidence of your dog bites, the leash, or whatever contributed to this incident can help provide detailed proof of what happened.

-Collect Info From Witnesses: Usually there are other people present during the dog attack. Make sure you get their contact information as they can serve as eyewitnesses in the court.

-File A Police Report: If you're planning on pursuing legal action, it's important to have the bite on record by contacting the authorities.

-Get The Dog Owner's Info: Probably the most important step to take after going to the doctor’s office is getting the information of the dog owner. Their contact information is also vital to move forward with the lawsuit.


What Can You Win Back?

The worth of your injury is determined by what exactly you can win back from all of your losses. There are economic and non-economic losses that will be regained when proceeding with the lawsuit of your dog bite. Here are some of the things you will be compensated for:

1. Lost Wages
The bite itself could have the potential to prevent you from working in the future, or slow down your pace due to being injured in particular areas.

2. Emotional Distress
You may develop a mental health condition or experience mental anguish during this time. A dog bite can be just as traumatic as any other type of injury due to how you remember it and how severe it was to you.

3. Medical Bills
Seeking medical treatment is important after an animal bite incident because animals can carry an array of potentially dangerous diseases. Treatment for an animal bite injury can be costly, especially if the bite was bad enough that you require reconstructive surgery, and you deserve to have those medical bills covered by the negligent owner. 

4. Pain And Suffering
The pain endured during a dog bite can be continued after the fact. The trauma of this is something that the victim has to deal with for some time after the bite. 

5. Quality of Life
Your lifestyle can change drastically due to the dog bite. You may not be able to enjoy activities you once did because of the nerve damage caused by the dog bite. Or you may not even be able to participate in them as a whole due to the dog bite. You should receive compensation for this.


How Our Lawyers Can Help

After a dog bite incident, getting in contact with an experienced dog bite lawyer can make or break your case. Fortunately, Gillani Law provides you with someone who knows the ins and outs of how you should be compensated and the steps you need to take in this case. Here’s what to expect from our experienced law firm:  

-Negotiation Process: We work hard to secure your settlement in or out of court. We want you to earn everything that you lost back with interest. 

-Litigation: Our law offices give you a wide variety of options to choose from on how you want to proceed with this case. You may want to settle for what they give you, or strive for more than what they’ve offered. 

-Investigating The Incident: Making sure that the incident went through the proper investigation when it happened. We don’t want you to walk in the courtroom without anyone thoroughly doing their job to investigate why this happened.

Schedule A Free Consultation Today With an Atlanta Dog Bite Lawyer

We work on a contingency fee basis, which means that you don't pay a dime until you get your winnings. When you contact the bite lawyer team at Gillani Law, you can consult with one of them today for free after putting in your information and a description of your accident.

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